Are you counting your plastic this week? Please join us because we need as many households as possible to take part. Let’s uncover the truth about plastic waste – and compare results!
Nobody really knows how much plastic we’re throwing away or what happens to it, and we suspect it’s worse than anyone realises. Recycling alone isn’t going to solve the plastic problem. There’s simply too much of it and our recycling systems can’t cope. And right now, there just aren’t enough reusable options that work for everyone.
Greenpeace and Everyday Plastic have launched the nation’s biggest ever investigation into household plastic waste. Together, we will uncover the truth about how much household plastic we throw away, and how much is really recycled. This new evidence will be crucial to convince the government, big brands and supermarkets to take ambitious action on plastic packaging.
Just click on this link and get counting! Remember, this isn't about shaming people who buy single-use plastic - it's about showing the Government just how big the problem is and demanding they make changes. Solving the plastic problem isn’t about us feeling bad when we need to use plastic, or just about what we can do individually. We need to stop the flow of plastic production. We need reusable alternatives that are affordable, accessible and appropriate for all. These big changes need to come from the government, brands and supermarkets – and that’s what The Big Plastic Count is helping to prove.
Thanks to TBPC for providing the above text so I can share their aims and ideals without having to sit here for hours trying to write clever stuff!